About Us
High Quality and efficient service
Finding A Permanent Solution Is Our Ultimate Goal!

Our Team has succeeded In understanding the needs of the Industry And Creating Reliable Products and serving the industry in the best way we can.
AL MUFADDAL TRADING LLC We serve in Signage ,Metal Coating, fabrication, Gold plating and polishing hard chrome, silver nickel and brass plating helps interesting companies create and improve industry products and services through long lasting and mutually rewarding relationships.
At Al Mufaddal trading, we work with our partners to streamline project plans that don’t just deliver on product perfection, but also delivers on time – crucial to success in a highly competitive market where every day counts.
Our team offers the most up-to-date, sustainable custom solutions. We only source materials from tried and trusted suppliers that meet our exacting standards of quality control.
Some Cool Facts
Numbers Speak For Themselves
Quality comes first! we make sure that every minute detail is looked into while creating customization for our clients even the smallest product. Our Focus Is 100% On Client Needs And Satisfaction.
Innovative Solutions
Technological advances are boosting the industry’s efficiency in other ways, too. The fourth industrial revolution is allowing technology to work in ever-closer harmony with different aspects of metals production, transforming the way steel is made.
As well as converting traditional production environments into highly automated “smart” plants, digitalization enables the different parts of the steel manufacturing process to interact and perform at their full potential.
A digitalized plant’s production management systems use sensor technology, digital production planning tools and sophisticated AI-driven diagnostics to monitor each smart component. Output is optimized for maximum overall performance and, as part of this process, each function within the plant is continually analyzed and refined for incremental improvements in efficiency.
Quality Unsurpassed
Companies are increasingly calling for higher-quality products and production lines that require a lower energy consumption and reduced maintenance. To satisfy the market demands for top quality, plant operators need to produce strip with perfect surfaces, excellent flatness, tight dimensional tolerances, uniform mechanical properties and reliable coating adhesion properties. Continuous and push-pull pickling lines from metal Technologies feature modular design, high efficiency, economical operation and the application of advanced technologies .